We don't think that following Jesus is about duty and a lot of rules, because we don't believe that God is boring. We believe He created you to find your true joy in Him. You're not boring and that's because He created you "in his image" and or likeness. Following God is the most exciting and joyful thing you can ever do. And once you begin to do it, you find out that it's not really about you at all; it's about Him. Since He is so amazing, you will have joy in both the good and the difficult times. You will be in awe of Him and the things you realize He is doing. You will be amazed that God was willing to send Jesus to teach us about Him and to die in our place, so that we can be forgiven of our sin and have great joy forever.
We believe God's Word is so important.
This may not sound different, but many times all you will hear about God's Word is one or two verses surrounded by illustrative stories and jokes. We think God's Word is more fascinating than that, and it deserves more attention. God communicates to us through His Word; it is alive! We want to know what He is saying to us.
We believe children can learn more about God than most people think they can.
They are capable of very deep thoughts, because they ask questions and make observations which demonstrate that. Why just teach them the same Bible events over and over? They can also learn about who God is and what He is like through those events, on a level that they can understand and that will be helpful to them in their day-to-day lives.
God has made us a multi-cultural family.
The Bible says that there will be people from every tribe and tongue and nation in heaven, and they won't be separated from each other into different corners! We love that He did this because we think it is what our future together will be like, and we get a little taste of it now!
We believe God wants us to actively show His love, but not just to those who are currently part of our church family.
He has blessed us with our Loaves and Fishes food pantry ministry to help those in need of food. Each month, we are able to assist 150 families and over 600 individuals in this way. We do this because we want people to know that God cares about them.
God cares about you. What are you doing to find out about Him?